9 días de invierno


Nueve días de invierno (“Nine days of Winter”) is an album of spontaneous minimalist music for piano. Released March 12, 2010.


Nueve días de invierno (“Nine days of Winter”) is an album of spontaneous minimalist music for piano. It is the first album in which I completely developed my own style, distilled from my influences, experiences, and memories, but uniquely mine. It is also the first in which I discovered the power of improvisation as a creative force to compose music.

Nueve días de invierno is composed of entirely improvised pieces, recorded in first takes. The process took place between the 20th and 28th of February, days of cold weather, rain, wind, and snow in Madrid. This album is the result of those nine days of winter, alone with my piano.

The songs include the following samples: “Nueve Días de Invierno” includes “Kiev Train Station” by Bram. “6:00 am” includes “Film Camera” by Bjorn Red Tail. “Copos de Nieve” includes “Breath” by Uncle Sigmund. “El peso del silencio” includes “Athens binaural” by kfnlk. “Una hora de lluvia incesante” includes “Storm in Oregon rain forest” by Dave in Camas. “Escapaste por el ventanal abierto” includes “Treehouse during a storm” by Dave in Camas also.

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Bosques de mi Mente6:00 am
  1. 6:00 am Bosques de mi Mente 6:39
  2. 05-el transcurrir de las horas Bosques de mi Mente 3:14


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Released March 12, 2010.

Nacho — piano, samples, found sounds, background noise.

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